Pink Fire Pointer Square Enix's Army Corps of Hell Trailer Streamed

Square Enix's Army Corps of Hell Trailer Streamed

Sony's PlayStation YouTube channel began streaming a trailer for Square Enix's Army Corps of Hell PlayStation Vita game on Thursday. The video is an English-language version of the game's Tokyo Game Show 2011 trailer and includes gameplay clips of demons' bloody struggles for power.

The demon army game follows the story of the King of Hell who tries to reclaim his throne after being banished. The King of Hell must amass a large goblin army in order to defeat powerful demons who stand in his way and retake the throne.

Developed by Entersphere, Army Corps of Hell utilizes the PlayStation Vita's rear touch pad in a rhythm mini-game that heals the King of Hell's soldiers. The game includes crafting and leveling systems to strengthen troops and develop their abilities. Players can also join forces in a multiplayer mode to defeat larger enemies and earn rare items.

Army Corps of Hell will ship in Japan on December 17 for the retail price of 4,980 yen (about US$65), and it will release in Europe in 2012. More information will follow in the months leading to the game's release.


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